What's Happening this Week?

Epiphany Episcopal Church

April 21, 2024

The Fourth Sunday of Easter


Online Services Update

To find the live stream for this week’s service, just click the above link and look for the video with the word “Live” inside of a red box. Past recorded services are also available at the above link. A YouTube account is NOT necessary to watch.

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Sunday Worship Schedule

8:00 am Holy Eucharist  & Sermon
9:45 am Choir Rehearsal
10:25 am Sunday School
10:30 am Holy Eucharist & Sermon

COVID Protocols

The Vestry is delighted to announce the following changes to our procedures:
• We recommend masks when coming to attend worship services.
• Clergy, liturgists and other speakers may be unmasked when speaking.
• When offering the peace, please be respectful of others’ personal space.
• Offering will be collected during the Offertory Hymn performed by the Epiphany Choir.
• Beginning on October 2nd, we will begin to offer common cup or chalice during the Eucharist. Intinction in the main chalice is no longer permitted. If you do not wish to partake of the common cup, simply cross your arms across your chest and the chalicist will simply say the words of offering to you without you partaking of the wine. Please do whatever makes you most comfortable.
• Fellowship with food and drink is offered after the service. Weather permitting it will be outside on the deck, otherwise it will take place inside the Parish Hall in the Conboy Center.

Epiphany Chapel and Church House

This walk through history highlights the last 100 years at Epiphany.