What's Happening this Week?

Epiphany Episcopal Church

July 14, 2024

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost


Special Announcements

Important note: The A/C in the church building is still out!
While summer days get hotter and we await a replacement system, we will be holding our Sunday services in the Conboy Center until further notice. We will also continue to livestream our 10am service on YouTube.

A Welcoming Tea is being planned for our new Rector, Josh+, and his family on August 4. Sign-up sheets are on the literature table at the back of our worship space. Plan to be present and bring something to share!

Click Here to read a farewell letter from Rev. Anne+.

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Summer Sunday Worship Schedule

8:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite 2 & Sermon
9:15 am Choir Rehearsal
9:55 am Sunday School
10:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite 2 & Sermon

Online Services Update

To find the live stream for this week’s service, just click the above link and look for the video with the word “Live” inside of a red box. Past recorded services are also available at the above link. A YouTube account is NOT necessary to watch.

Special Announcement

The Vestry announces with great joy and thanksgiving that the Reverend Joshua Rodriguez-Hobbs has accepted the call to become the next Rector of Epiphany Episcopal Church.

Click here to read the announcement letter from the Vestry
Click here to read a letter from Reverend Rodriguez-Hobbs to Epiphany Episcopal Church

A special video message from the Rev. Rodriguez-Hobbs.

Epiphany Chapel and Church House

This walk through history highlights the last 100 years at Epiphany.