Boys & Girls Club, Meade Village
Boys & Girls Clubs are a safe place to learn and grow – all while having fun. It is the place where great futures are started each and every day.
As an outgrowth of a relationship with Van Bokkelen Elementary School, the congregation is in the process of establishing strong ties with the Boys & Girls Club at Meade Village. The Club promotes the development of competence, belonging and leadership for about 50 boys and girls from ages 6 to 18. We support with material assistance and personal contributions such as tutoring, mentoring, expertise and friendship.
The 2018 Christmas Outreach project provided a Nintendo Switch with all the games and gadgets.
Ten Volunteer mentors are guiding children in a Reading Enrichment program on Mondays. Summer reading camp is planned for June 24th – 28th.
Refugee Ministry
To “Welcome the Stranger”, in 2016, Epiphany volunteers tutored English with refugees in their homes and donated “welcome kits” to assist newly-arrived refugees to set-up homes in coordination with World Relief – Anne Arundel.
In 2017, World Relief – Anne Arundel was closed as a direct result of the new Administration’s suspension of the U.S. Refugee Program.
Because people who profess the Islamic faith may feel unwelcome at this time in the U.S., we are now seeking ways to connect with Muslim refugees and friends.
New plans are on the way to connect with Muslim Refugees.
Service Guild
For over 75 years the Service Guild has raised funds to give away. In addition, the Guild gives funds to support important church projects, the Christian Assistance Program which provides food for the local community, the Odenton Volunteer Fire Company, Meals on Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, Hospice of the Chesapeake, Operation Paperback, & Operation Welcome Home Maryland. Thanksgiving and Christmas donations of food and gifts are given for local families each year. Guild membership is open to all members of the congregation.
The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. (Psalm 24)
All that is and all we have was created by and belongs to God. We are blessed in so many ways! It is our privilege to come together in the name of Christ to form a community of love and concern, and to offer ourselves for the glory of God and the well-being of all creation. We are all part of something much bigger than ourselves – – yesterday, today and tomorrow. Come, offer your time, talents and treasures for the mission and ministry of Epiphany Church.
Epiphany Chapel and Church House
This walk through history highlights the last 100 years at Epiphany.