Finding God in Nature—Walking the Labyrinth

A labyrinth is an enclosed path having only one route that winds in towards a center point where it makes a decisive turn to wander out again.

The path of the labyrinth can be seen as a journey of life. We all enter the same way – through birth. We all travel through time and our lives take various twists and turns; and we all exit through death…hence the proximity of the entrance and exit. To walk the labyrinth is to become a pilgrim, to leave our place of familiarity, to take a risk to enter a new land.

There is no one way to walk the labyrinth. This is your journey and your experience. Take your time and walk your own way. *

Feel free to use the resources provided on site in the clear box, and before you leave, you may wish to write any experiences in the small booklet under the bench seat.

*Excerpts from Walking the Labyrinth by the Rev. Anne O. Weatherholt,
This labyrinth was created in partnership with Nature Sacred,